Sunday, May 26, 2013

Being that fabulous woman....

We spend so much time waiting to be with a loved one, hoping that love will find us and believing in that " happily ever after fallacy". Unfortunately that's not how life works! Each time you put yourself out there, placing your happiness at the mercy of another, or look out with an expectation, be sure to hurt yourself yet again....

The only dependable way to create love in your life that is enough to sustain you is to start by loving yourself. By doing so, you are enabling the perfect harmony of your life force to create great situations in your life to occur...

Seven years of being by myself and with some poor excuses for relationships to my account, I know for a fact that the only sustainable love is the one that you have for yourself...and that has nothing to do with being selfish....every person does it and for once Hola needs to learn to prioritize herself...and remember....

"You are as you are meant to be, nothing can influence you unless you allow it to influence need no nothing. Just continue to be the beautiful you and trust the universe. There is only one life so make the most of every moment"

Hola turns foxy :)) 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Hola still loves....

There is a need to transcend from duality to oneness...from the false illusion to the turn from the outside to the inside for true guidance towards your chosen path. The mind plays games but you need to quieten it's noise and shift the focus to the not ignoring the realms of confusion or peeling them but simply accepting each layer and heading towards the core....a fusion towards who you actually are....

It's in that moment of oneness and being silenced that you realize the true bliss of "tawakul" and attain nirvana....

Be one...accept...let go...remember that in losing everything that you gain everything!

Hola still loves....