Modesty-This word has caught my attention ever so often being brought up in a hypocritical Asian environment. Till sometime back I always thought the word was being rather ”over stated” and whether it was a virtue at all pushed me to extract the dictionary meaning.
I kept procrastinating on writing this blog and left the draft with just the dictionary meaning. This is very unlike me. However life taught me what I did not learn first go. Unlike others, I always get a second chance to be shaken to the roots should I slip the message or the moral. Guess it’s “ Instant Karma”…
mod·est adj.
Having or showing a moderate estimation of one's own talents, abilities, and value.
Having or proceeding from a disinclination to call attention to oneself; retiring or diffident.
Observing conventional proprieties in speech, behaviour, or dress.
Free from showiness or ostentation; unpretentious. See synonyms at plain.
Moderate or limited in size, quantity, or range; not extreme: a modest price; a newspaper with a modest circulation.
I first became interested in the subject of modesty for a rather mundane reason but now it seems that it has an unfolding relevance.
Many of the problems we hear about today — divorces, infidelity, sexual harassment, young women who suffer from eating disorders and report feeling a lack of control over their bodies — are all connected, to our culture's attack on modesty. Hear us when we use words to describe intimacy: what once was called it "making love," and then "having sex," is now "hooking up". Are we refuelling an aeroplane?.
Culture has for times unknown respected the sanctity of relationships and encouraged fidelity. Respect for self, for the body and a keen check on behaviour have been unquestioned beliefs. In fact early feminists actually praised modesty as ennobling to society. We just learnt to rebel and question all.
I remember a conversation to the following context: "Well, if you want to be modest, be modest. If you want to be promiscuous, be promiscuous. It is a choice but practice it with responsibility. The society’s culture is to be neutral"
Now I do realise that I was wrong.
Culture cannot be neutral. Nor is it subtle in its influence on behaviour. In the end, if it's not going to value modesty, it will value promiscuity and adultery, and all our lives and marriages will suffer as a result.
A sudden awakening has jolted me. My instant karma would play up and it is only due. However I do want to refurbish my thoughts.