Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Let go and trust

I have grappled for long, wondering why the wounds of the past kept surfacing time and again. Why do the patterns all seem so familiar that I can almost predict the oncoming catastrophe? Maybe, it’s my mind that creates the catastrophe and gives it the space to unravel. For one thing, there is something to be healed.

There is a wound, I must acknowledge and be aware of it. I need not help it to grow, I have to let it be healed; and it will be healed only when I move to the roots. I only need to use less of the head for the wound to heal and stop the conflict between the mind and the soul; with no head there is no wound. The mind and soul have to merge and emerge to its higher a total being that is wholesome.

The only way is total acceptance as a way of life, whatsoever happens. I will allow myself to feel the energy of words and let the emotions flow through me. It is time when the deeply buried wounds of the past come to the surface, ready and available to be healed. I want to stretch open my arms and allow my soul to stand naked, vulnerable and open to the loving touch of existence. Allow my aura to be full of light and let the quality of relaxation, caring and love that surrounds me dissolve all struggle and suffering. I do not want to hide from myself or others.

Just let go and trust the universe….

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