Sunday, January 22, 2006

Well its Sunday and I am in office.

The reason today is not the work load but the fact that I am running away from reality. I am absconding from the feeling of being alone and not having much to do to on a day that I get off. I know this is contrary to what I have written in the past.....but sometimes one just carries on to pass time.

Being a single woman is not an easy bet. The Indian society looks at you with a certain sham that overrides any achievement you might have got being in the position that you are in. The most heart rendering feel is when you get it from your own people. I have walked out of home today with an emotion which seems to create mixed thought process. One part of me feels as I have been let down and the contrarian thought tells me that I have just freed myself of any expectations that might have pinned me down..... I am a free bird but with injured wings....

I will look around for my destiny- as its for me to make some choices and create a life....

A gentle breeze that touches my cheek,
…wipes away a tear that heals.
A soft touch that warms my heart and makes me feel
…that somewhere a rainbow has brightened the aura of a blooming bud.
Where a whiff of fresh air has whisked away an unknowing seed
…to carry it to fertile lands where it will find its destiny anew.
My heart that once screamed out for love today beats to a silent rhythm
….every vessel drums to its tune.
A warm luscious feel has carried me to a warm distant land where love is the feel of life…a natural way to be….it’s a beautiful feeling

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