Tuesday, September 5, 2006

I am feeling "all tied up in knots". I know I have a light that still shines within, but sometimes I feel I suppress my own vitality trying to meet so many demands and expectations.

I give up my power and vision in return for being accepted by the very same forces that have imprisoned them. The danger is apparent because a volcanic eruption about to take place.I am trying to find a healing outlet for this potential explosion. It is essential to find a way to release whatever tensions and stresses might be building up inside me right now.

Guess am going to beat on a pillow, jump up and down, go out into the wilderness and scream at the empty sky--anything to shake up my energy and allow it to circulate freely. I just cant wait for a catastrophe to happen...

I guess I need to cut the crap and remind myself- I DONT NEED MEN

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